Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Writing-Publishing Process According to Me

In the past year or so I finally took the time to outline and write out a story that I've wanted to write since I was thirteen. It was scary and at times incredibly difficult, but I loved finally getting it down on "paper" and seeing that I really could do it.

Whether or not it actually gets published, time will tell. But I'm so proud of myself for actually finishing it.

And, one thing I've noticed is that everyone has a different writing style and how they go about getting it done. Me... I'm one of those people that like to plan things out, annoying so. My sister will probably be the first to tell you how anal I can be about talking everything out and making sure we have it all decided on before we even begin. But that works for me. I want to know the details of the characters and the story line ahead of time so that when I sit down to start writing I know where I'm going with it.

That doesn't always mean that the writing process is easier that way though. If I'm inspired sometimes I can get a chapter written fairly quickly, other times it's a slower process. A little bit here, a little bit there. It will get finished when it gets finished.

Finding your groove is the most important thing. Decide what works for you and then go from there. Some authors use music, others going into a writing hole for months, still others worry and pace as they go. Do what's comfortable to you and change it accordingly.

I've also found lots of information about literary agencies and publishing houses... it's enough to make your head spin. There's so much that goes into it and the process you have to go through can at times seem overwhelming. While the possibilities do seem slim and long, I don't want to let it completely freak me out. Writing has become something that I love and enjoy to do.

I really began to write during a time when I was dealing with a sad loss, and because of that I found something that I'm passionate about. That's what I want to keep in mind when the hustle and bustle of query letters, rejections, and contracts begin to pile up. I'm not doing this for the recognition or to see my name in print, I'm doing it because I love to write and I want to inspire and encourage others with my words.

It's easy to get caught up and overwhelmed with all of this, but I hope I don't let myself do that. With all of the friends I've made since beginning this journey and my sister/writing partner, I know that I'll always have encouragement and help. You guys are the ones that I'm writing for. So thank you.